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November 7, 2019

Dark Truth: Americans Aren’t Getting Enough Natural Light, and It’s Making Us Sick

Chances are you’re not reading this article in a park, on the beach, or in your yard. That’s because the average American spends a whopping 93 percent of their time indoors.  If you’re only getting outside for a few hours a week, you likely don’t have nearly enough natural light in your life. This equates to a much bigger health risk than most people realize, and can be a root cause of insomnia, fatigue, depression and other symptoms.

The After Dark Problem

If you’re one of the luckier 9-to-5ers, you can get home for an hour or two of outside time in the evening before it gets dark. But this is often difficult or impossible for people with later hours, longer commutes and nighttime obligations, not to mention the fact that it gets dark before 5 p.m. all winter in our part of the country.

Squeezing in more sunny hours after work during an already busy week is unrealistic for most people with day jobs.

Fortunately, even if you can’t get outside more, there’s a simple way to get more natural light. And you don’t even have to leave your home or find a lot of extra time.

The Solution: Natural Red Light Therapy

If you’re concerned about poor sleep and lack of light, but you can’t get outside more, a good option could be natural light therapy in your home or office.

What Is Light Therapy?

Light therapy — or photobiomodulation (PBM) — is a non-invasive therapy that delivers natural light to your skin and cells. Not all natural light is therapeutic though. Light therapy only uses specific red and near infrared (NIR) wavelengths that have been found to be the most clinically therapeutic parts of the light spectrum, without harmful UV rays, heat or side effects.

There’s a large base of clinical research showing this type of red and near infrared light therapy improves energy levels, helps reset our circadian clocks, and aids the natural release of melatonin for healthy, natural sleep. This is in addition to numerous other clinically proven health benefits for skin, muscles, joints and more.

The Countour Light we use at Idaho Body Contouring is the most powerful producer of specific red and near infrared wavelengths of light available today.  We have the only Contour Light machine in the entire state of Idaho.

Call today to reserve your session and see why people are raving about this new technology.

Idaho Body Contouring has teamed with Dynamic Fat Loss  208-947-9925.


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